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塞柯塔(Ed Seykota),美國神級期貨交易員。有客戶,曾於1972時,交託五千美元,讓其投資。十六年後,增值二千五百倍。

神人如此,數十年內,自有無數新手,登門拜訪,冀被授之心法。塞柯塔大富大貴,生活無憂,且慈悲為懷(常輔導病態賭徒),特撰一曲,講述投機六大要點(6 Essentials):

1. 有利抱牢 2. 截斷損失 3. 控制風險 4. 善用止蝕 5. 堅守系統 6. 無視雜音


(要點1: 有利抱牢) 一次大浪,全家不慌 捉中趨勢,誓坐到底

(要點2: 截斷損失) 遇上損失,止蝕走得

(要點3: 控制風險) 應該買幾大?夠皮又瞓得

(要點4: 善用止蝕) 價格爆破勿多手,預設止蝕已足夠

(要點5: 堅守系統) 累積損失雖閉翳,依計進出不可廢

(要點6: 無視雜音) 熱話新聞,無需關心

英文原裝歌詞: You get a whip and I get a saw, honey You get a whip and I get a saw, babe You get a whip and I get a saw One good trend pays for them all. Honey, trader, ba-by mine.

(Ride Your Winners): What do we do when we catch a trend, honey … etc. We ride that trend right to the end.

(Cut Your Losses): What do we do when we show a loss, honey … etc. We give that dag-gone loss a toss.

(Manage Your Risk): How do we know when our risk is right, honey … etc. We make a lot of money and we sleep at night.

(Use Stops): What do we do when the price breaks through, honey … etc. Our stops are in so there’s nothing to do.

(Stick to the System): What do we do when a draw down comes, honey What do we do when it gets real big, babe What do we do when it’s even bigger … We stick to the plan and pull the trigger.

(File the News): What do we do with a hot news flash, honey … etc. We stash that flash right in the trash.

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